David Flintham - Military Historian
David Flintham - Military Historian
Welcome to King's Lynn under Siege

King’s Lynn under Siege (KLuS) is a community archaeology project investigating the Norfolk town (and port) of King’s Lynn during the ‘English’ Civil Wars.
Formed in 2018, the project is successfully raising the profile of the town and its importance during the conflict, during which it was besieged, and then refortified transforming it into one of the strongest fortresses in Britain.
The project’s research is proving to be ground-breaking, and is providing important insights into fortress design and construction during the Civil Wars.
To date, two digs have been undertaken (the 2021 dig was filmed as part of Channel 4’s Great British Dig series), geophysical investigations, field walking, and ground surveying.
KLuS is firmly established as part of the town’s heritage community, and has attracted the attention of local, national, and even international media. Articles have appeared in several publications (see further reading).

Siegeworks is the newsletter of King’s Lynn under Siege. The latest issue (issue 7) has just been published. Read it here:
Further Reading
Richard Clampe: Fortress Engineer (Fortress Study Group, 2018)
King’s Lynn: The Strongest Fortress in East Anglia (Battlefields Trust, 2021)
King’s Lynn under Siege (Current Archaeology, 2023)
'King's Lynn under Siege' in Batter Their Walls, Gates and Forts (Helion Publishing, 2023)
The conflict that forever changed King’s Lynn (KLMagazine, November 2023). Published with kind permission of KLMagazine
The West Lynn 'Cannon' (Battlefields Trust, 2024)

Information about KLuS is also published at Military History Live.