David Flintham - Military Historian
David Flintham - Military Historian
Although I am interested in various aspects of military history, I specialise in 17th century fortifications and sieges, and am particularly interested in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (1639-1652), and the works of great French military engineer, Marshall Vauban.
I am a committee member of the Fortress Study Group, writing regularly for the journal Fort and the magazine Casemate. I also write regularly for Military History Matters. I am also a member of the Battlefields Trust and Pike and Shot Society.
Much of my research is undertaken ‘in the field’: understanding the topography of a site is just as important as a knowledge of the events which surround it. I have travelled extensively throughout the British Isles and across Europe, and as far afield as North America and South Africa visiting fortifications and siege-sites. I was honoured with the award of Fellowship of the Royal Geographical Society in 2013 and am part of the Society’s Discovering Britain project.
Regarded as “the one expert on London's civil war defences”, my expertise has been called upon to assist with archaeological investigations within the capital, currently as part of a project 'rediscovering' the fortifications. If you would like to discuss such projects, please contact me via the contact form.
I am also co-founder and Project Director of the King's Lynn Under Siege (KLUS) English Civil War Community Archaeological Project, part of Military History Live.